48 Fascinating Vintage Photos of Students from Glen Eden Boarding School for Girls in 1911-1912 _ US


Glen Eden on the Hudson was a boarding school for girls in Poughkeepsie, New York when these photos were taken in 1911 and 1912.

By 1922 the school had moved to Stamford, Conn. It was an Academic, College Preparatory and Finishing School. Subjects taught were Music, Art, Elocution, Domestic Science, Horseback Riding, Stagecraft, Coasting, Skating, Games, Dancing, Physical Culture and Sight Seeing in New York City.
No entrance examinations required. Three buildings on 12 acres. Refined home life with training in morals and manners. School director was Doctor Frederic Martin Townsend. $600 per year. $600 of 1911 dollars would be worth $15,000.00 in 2015.