These photos were needy lives but full of joy of people in New Mexico in the early 1940s. They were taken by photographer John Collier Jr..
A boy reading in one-room school in an isolated mountainous Hispanic community, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 1943 |
A dance, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
A family around the kiva fireplace, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A family in front of kiva fireplace, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A family in front of their kiva fireplace, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A gunsmith as well as a cattleman chatting in front of his shop, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
A Hispanic family in their wagon, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
A man and his wife studying maps of the world, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A man with his family, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A ninety-nine-year-old man reading in his room, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
A nurse and an interpreter trying to reach a patient's house beyond passable roads, Llano Quemado, New Mexico 1943 |
A nurse from the clinic operated by the Taos County cooperative health association, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
A stockman churning butter after a hard day in the saddle, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
A young nurse lying on bed, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
An old Hispanic couple, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Around the woodstove in the general store, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Boy with his chemistry set, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Children asleep in their bed, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Children in Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Christmas Eve pageant, New Mexico, 1942 |
Congregation leaving after mass, San José de Gracia, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Congregation leaving after mass, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Cutting and splitting wood for the fireplace and the cook stove, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Dentist making an extraction, Questa, New Mexico, 1943 |
Dinner in the kitchen, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Doing homework on the kitchen table, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Doing the family washing, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Emergency transport, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Father and parishioners, Taos County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Father giving a sermon in Spanish, San José de Gracia, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Father on a field trip with a boy scout troop in Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Going to the mountains for wood, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Gunsmith at work, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Harnessing up the team to get ready for a trip to the mountains in order to collect for wood, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Harnessing up the teams, ready for a trip to the mountains for wood, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Hispanic boy in the grade school, Questa, New Mexico, 1943 |
Homework on the ranch, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
In front of the general store, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
In Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
In the general store, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
In the one-room school, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Leaving church on Sunday, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Listening to folk songs, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1943 |
Man and his son cut down a dead tree for firewood, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Man and his son drawing water from the river, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Men rebuilding house roof, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Mother helping her children with their homework, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Mother helping her children with their homework, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Old woman in her room, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Orchestra at a dance, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Pitching hay into a hay rack for winter feeding, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Sewing, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Snow being melted down for wash water, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Sorting beans for the morning meal, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Spinning wool by the light of the fire, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
Starting out on the range in a snowstorm, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Students in front of one-room school, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 1943 |
The keeper of the general store, Trampas, New Mexico, 1943 |
The radio is the only contact with the outside world, Peñasco, New Mexico, 1943 |
Troop of boy scouts, Taos County, New Mexico, 1943 |
Writing to a boyfriend in the United States Army, Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1943 |